

She learned long ago the difference between white lies and dark ones. White lies saved your skin; dark lies could damage your soul.” Add to Goodreads Read more…

REDEMPTION due October 7!

She learned long ago the difference between white lies and dark ones. White lies saved your skin; dark lies could damage your soul. I’m excited to announce my new book REDEMPTION will be out on October 7! It’s a real book of my heart, the first book I ever finished (it’s been revised many times since […] Read more…

Temptation won the Golden Quill Best First Book contest (with a little help from my editors)

I’m thrilled to announce that Temptation has been chosen as the Golden Quill Best First Book! Yesterday I was tearing my hair out over revisions for my next book. I block out the internet while I work, so when I logged on, I had a few emails waiting. One was the announcement that my debut […] Read more…


One year ago today my debut novel Temptation was released by Entangled Publishing. I remember going for a walk that day, a long walk at Burnham Beeches in the freezing cold. I was a mess. For some reason, having a book “out there” in the wide world of Amazon and Nook and all the other […] Read more…

How To Use Social Media if You’re A Newbie. Or a Guy.

I just watched a webinar with tech guru Guy Kawasaki, How to Use Social Media to Sell More Books. Catchy title, no? If you don’t know who Guy Kawasaki is, you’re probably one of a handful of people who’ve been living under a rock since the Macintosh was invented. Welcome to the internets, newbie! And […] Read more…

Amazon + Goodreads = ???

I’ve been trying to form an opinion about the Amazon/Goodreads buyout, and I’ve decided I’m agnositc. Some good may come of it, while it’s possible it will only increase Amazon’s market share, which is already huge. I’ve been a member of Goodreads for some time, but I’ve only started using it in the last few […] Read more…

The Blog Tour ends

Today is the last day of the blog tour, (you can read about the first two weeks here) but the contest is still open until March 30 at midnight. So be sure and visit each site and enter; you can enter several times at each stop! On March 20 I was at Novel Reflections with […] Read more…

Interviews, excerpts and guest posts, oh my!

My blog tour continues for another week, but I want to take a minute to thank all the bloggers who’ve had me at their blogs so far. Each topic I’ve been asked to write on, each interview, each review, has been wonderful. First thing I do in the morning is check to see if another […] Read more…

I’m taking over!

The Entangled Edge Facebook page, that is. If you haven’t “liked” the page yet, what are you waiting for? Me to start revealing my deepest, darkest, secrets? Or my deepest, darkest, deleted scenes? Okay! This week the Entangled Edge Facebook page is going to be featuring Temptation. Last week was Gina Gordon’s Taste of Trouble, […] Read more…

Blog tour!

Coming up: February 28 – March 29 I’ll be appearing at a blog near you! Watch for more details as dates are scheduled. I’ll be giving away a Kindle Paperwhite*: “If you’re looking for an e-reader that’s easy on the eyes, check out the Kindle Paperwhite” is what tech reviewer (and friend) Carolyn Mohr says […] Read more…

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