My blog tour continues for another week, but I want to take a minute to thank all the bloggers who’ve had me at their blogs so far. Each topic I’ve been asked to write on, each interview, each review, has been wonderful. First thing I do in the morning is check to see if another one has been posted (they’re scheduled every couple or three days) and when one has gone up and been tweeted, I get a little thrill.
Here’s a wrap-up of where Temptation has been featured so far. Oh, and if I haven’t mentioned this before, at each stop you have a chance (several chances, really) to win the Kindle Paperwhite I’m giving away. So hop on the tour!
On February 28 I wrote about Sexual Tension in a Buggy (yes, I came up with that title—not my finest hour, but I think it has a certain charm) over at Romancing Rakes For the Love of Romance. Kati has been wonderful about tweeting the link. They have a great site, and I notice my friend and fellow “tempted meme” author Michelle Smart is there today.
On March 4 Stella at ExLibris had me over to talk about why I chose to set my book in Amish country and not only that, but to have an Amish hero. It was a great question, and I enjoyed answering it. Stella’s support of Temptation has been wonderful…I’ve found a new favorite blog! (And happy third blogiversary, Stella!)
On March 8 it was on to Laurie’s Interviews, where she took the opportunity to interview my main character, Laura. I’ve never sat in on a character interview before…it turns out those characters have a lot to say! Laura wouldn’t shut up, especially once she started in on her mother…. But Laurie (emphasis -IE) was a fantastic interviewer.
Then on March 13 I enjoyed the company of Sara at Harlequin Junkie. Sara gave me my very first review ever, and it was a Five Heart Top Pick! She doesn’t give those out like candy at Halloween, so I was thrilled. And I really enjoyed being back to talk about the inspiration for Temptation—again, a very good question. (By the way, she’s up for some prestigious blog awards…go vote for her!)
The next stop on March 14 was the most unforgettable experience ever. When I went to check it out, I figured it would be just the interview I did with Andrea at Bookish Babes. But she’d included a review too, and when I read it I gasped so loud the dog came to check on me. She’d gone into great detail about what worked for her in Temptation, with thoughtful comments that made me blush. I’m still awed by that one.
Finally, yesterday, March 18—exactly one month after Temptation was released, and one month after I read this amazing review by Crystal—she had me over to The Reading Room for another interview—this time with a very chatty Rachel, Jacob’s mother. Who knew that a secondary character had so much to say? (She included a recipe as well.) (Crystal’s review meant a lot to me too, coming as it did the day of release, when I was a bundle of nerves.)
I’ve got more stops to go, and remember, there’s a Paperwhite up for grabs at each stop. I appreciate each and every blogger and commenter and potential reader who stops by (and I’m still catching up with some of the comments!).
The tour ends on March 28, so check the schedule for more opportunities to win.
Stella (Ex Libris)
March 20, 2013 at 10:25 pm (12 years ago)w thank you so much for your kind words Kathryn, I worried a bit my support wouldn’t seem stalking, but if you say you appreciate it I’ll keep it going (Just today I couldn’t NOT tell peaople about what a gem Temptation is and had to blog a bit more: )
Stella (Ex Libris)
March 20, 2013 at 10:28 pm (12 years ago)sorry there was a glitch and my comment went off without my finishing it, so here it is again:
Aww thank you so much for your kind words Kathryn, I worried a bit my support wouldn’t seem stalking, but if you say you appreciate it I’ll keep it going (Just today I couldn’t NOT tell people about what a gem Temptation is and had to blog a bit more:
I’m following your tour because I would love to learn more about how Temptation came to be and all the behind the scenes secrets! 😉 Congrats again and thank you, thank you for making me discover a new subgenre and a new favourite author!! (Can’t wait to read more of your stories!)