Happy Monday, everyone! (I’m one of those weird people who actually like Mondays!) Aside from the mud here, it’s going okay.
Over the weekend I noticed a great review for Temptation at Night Owl Book Reviews. Five stars, top pick!
And today, I’m at Simply Ali guest blogging about the theme of Temptation. I’ve written about coming across the theme, serendipitiously, here before:
That’s when I realized I’d included a lot of Garden of Eden images in my book, completely unconsciously. There was actually a garden in the book, which I remember just seemed like a good idea as I was writing—city girl moves to the country, and decides to put in a garden to grow fancy heirloom vegetables. That gave me an ideal setting for several scenes, yet I never thought of it as a thematic image. There’s also a forbidden plum orchard, again, a serendipitous idea that appeared in a piece of dialogue my hero uttered.
In my current work-in-progress, the theme is clear to me, but how to execute it is not. I know I need a big black moment, worthy of the theme, but I’m momentarily at a loss. I’m hoping some serendipity will come along and give me a jump start soon.
Enjoy your Monday, or muddle through it, if that’s your preference!