To celebrate, here’s an excerpt of True Courage that takes place during a Halloween party on the South Lawn of the White House. I think it’s self-explanatory, with no spoilers. Katie stood next to Mrs. Mason and pretended to be excited about handing out cookies shaped like black and white cats. Mrs. Mason hadn’t asked […] Read more…
True Courage trivia!
I thought I would share some trivia about True Courage. The name of the “bad guy”, Senator J.P. Landry, came from a friend of mine, who I used to write with when I lived in Virginia. Jamie Farrell, who also writes as Pippa Grant, was complaining about her landlord, and I told her I’d name […] Read more…
True Courage will be released on 18 October!
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But I finally have a new book ready to come into the world! I’ve worked on it a long time, in fits and starts (mostly fits, if you want to know the truth). It’s set in Washington, D.C., in the White House, where single-father Adam Dybik is coming to […] Read more…

Using Facebook for Good Not Evil
I have an addiction to social media. Doesn’t everyone? I mean, look up the definition of “time suck” on Wikipedia and you find a photo of Mark Zuckerberg, with devil horns on his head for creating this hellhole of fake news and starving Farmville sheep. But a funny thing has happened in the last few months. I’m now […] Read more…

Temptation… only 99 cents!
Go on, you know you wanna! Temptation is only $.99 at all retail outlets (except the ones that use different currency, duh!). Read more…
Spring Fling Facebook Party!
I’m almost late to the party on this, but I’ve been busy recovering from the flu. My publisher is doing a special promo for my book Temptation and tonight, several of us are hosting a Facebook Party! Come on by and chat, and enter to win some prizes. I’m giving away a basket of gardening […] Read more…

How to use Twitter’s lists feature
Are you overwhelmed by Twitter? I hear this from a lot of newbies to Twitter—they feel like they’re standing in a fast flowing river, watching the water (tweets) stream past and they can’t focus on what they need to in order to get any use from it. Here and there are tweets that seem interesting, […] Read more…

Win a signed copy of True Gold (and 15 other authors!)
I’m participating in Morgan & Jennifer Locklear’s book giveaway, along with 15 other authors. Go here and enter through the Rafflecopter link. 16 winners will be drawn on Leap Day, February 29th! I hope you win! Read more…

Celebrate With a Book!
I’m really proud to be one of the featured authors at the new book website Celebrate With a Book. I was asked to talk about my “creation story” as a writer. I’d always wanted to be an “author” ever since I first learned what the word meant, but a guidance counselor put an end to my […] Read more…
Play the YES game at TRR and win lots of prizes!
Hop on over to The Romance Reviews and play the Year End Splash game for a chance to win prizes, including a $100 gift card. You can also win a copy of True Gold! The Q&A for True Gold is the 13th question,–err, I think the order of the questions change–and if you need a hint…it’s […] Read more…