Goodreads Book Giveaway True Gold by Kathryn Barrett Giveaway ends November 18, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway That’s right, you can win one of two signed paperback copies of True Gold being given away on Goodreads! Go to the link above or click here to enter. (And if you don’t want to […] Read more…
Coming up in November!

Saved from the cutting room floor: Deleted scene
A lot of my friends are having birthday parties for their children these days—there must have been a lot of fall births several years ago! One of my favorite scenes from True Gold is the birthday party scene, when twins Alex and Aubry turn five, and Rebecca, like most new moms, has—err, overly optimistic expectations […] Read more…

True Gold
My book True Gold is finally here! It’s been in the works a while, going through several rounds of edits, revisions, etc. If you’ve read Redemption, you know the character Connor Forrest, who appears at the end after several glimpses throughout the book—he’s Claire’s boss, the mutual fund magnate (think Warren Buffet, only younger) who has […] Read more…

True Gold, coming September 1!
More details coming soon! Read more…

Throwback Thursday: Best Cherries Ever
I was actually thinking of these very same cherries this morning, when a friend in France mentioned she’d picked three kilos of cherries. I remembered a summer several years ago, when my sister-in-law, who lived near Grenoble, sent a shoebox of cherries home with my daughter in her suitcase. We enjoyed the heck out of […] Read more…

Emergency Flowers
As I type this, it’s snowing outside. I’ve lost count of how many snowstorms have come through this winter, but the last patches of snow were finally melting when I got up this morning, and now a new layer of snow is fast turning the ground white again. I’m not going to post a photo […] Read more…

Temptation, now for the great price of 99¢!
My publisher decided to push Temptation in a promotion blitz. They knocked the price down to $.99 and had it accepted at BookBub, “a free daily email that notifies you about deep discounts on acclaimed ebooks.” They only accept about 20 percent of the books that are submitted to them, so that in itself is […] Read more…

Why I don’t dispense writing advice
I love reading blog posts by authors dispensing writing advice; I really do. Some of the best writing books are written by authors—many by authors you’ve never heard of (Sol Stein is one). While their books may not be bestsellers, many writers are better equipped to tell you how to write a bestselling novel because […] Read more…

New Year Writing Resolution
I got a Fitbit for Christmas, and I’m wondering if someone makes a Fitbit for writing. Like, a device you strap on your wrist that counts your words. Instead of 10,000 steps, I’d have to write 10,000 words to win. Actually, I’d have a fit all right if I wrote that many words in a day–that […] Read more…