
My publisher decided to push Temptation in a promotion blitz. They knocked the price down to $.99 and had it accepted at BookBub, “a free daily email that notifies you about deep discounts on acclaimed ebooks.” They only accept about 20 percent of the books that are submitted to them, so that in itself is a coup! Getting on BookBub really pushed sales and right now Temptation is ranked at #587 in Kindle ebooks, #16 in Romance Series and #42 in Romantic comedy. Wow!

Last night, sitting by the fire and watching Temptation climb up the charts, was a night I’ll never forget. (On the other hand, the movie we watched, Fury, is one I hope to forget very soon.) Ever author dreams of seeing a book on the bestseller lists, even if it’s the fleeting, ever-changing Amazon lists, and that dream was made a reality last night. (And yes, I took screen shots!)

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And, duh! I just figured out how to find the rankings at Barnes and Noble! It’s ranked #179 over there. Yippee!

Also? This is making me want to get to work on my next book!

You can find Temptation at all major ebook retailers, distributed by Macmillan. The sale lasts until March 1, so if you haven’t read Temptation yet, this is the perfect opportunity!

Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Google


2 Comments on Temptation, now for the great price of 99¢!

  1. AshleyOlivia
    February 24, 2015 at 8:36 am (10 years ago)

    Congrats!!! This is so exciting!! I loved Temptation, as well as your second book. In this economy, it is very rare to find something of such value for under a dollar 🙂 I hope the charts keep climbing!!

    • Kathryn Barrett
      February 26, 2015 at 1:28 am (10 years ago)

      Thanks! I’m enjoying it while it lasts, Ashley Olivia!


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