May is my favorite month, because that’s when England is bursting with blooms everywhere. All my favorites come out: bluebells, wisteria, laburnum, and rhododendrons. But this year they were all late, due to our extra cold spring.

The bluebells were fantastic, despite their late arrival. Even my dog got in on the bluebell action:

Not all my favorite flowers are blue. Some are orange, or even yellow!

Another “flower” blooms in May, and it’s also one of my favorites: Rape (or rapeseed, if you will) blooms in May, and when you’re driving in the countryside you see bright fields glowing with yellow flowers. Rapeseed is made into oil—the same oil we know in the US as “canola oil” is called rapeseed oil here. Who knew it was so lovely when it blooms?

Now it’s June, and summer flowers are starting to appear. I’ll try to get more photos of those in a couple of weeks.