I got tagged by Sara Thorn to play Lucky Seven Snippet. The rules:
- Go to page 7 or 77 in your current manuscript.
- Go to line 7
- Post on your blog the next 7 lines or sentences – as they are!!
- Tag 7 other people to do the same
Since the current manuscript is a WIP, or Work in Progress, the first chapter is going to need a bit of re-writing. Specifically, the timeline no longer fits the rest of the book. Regardless, here’s the seven lines from the seventh page of A National Hero:
Adam almost looked outside to determine the answer to that, but decided he preferred looking at her. Preferred it a little too much—the woman was here to protect his daughter, for christsakes.
He motioned to one of the two sofas flanking the desk. “Have a seat. Is this your first time in the Oval Office?”
She shook her head. “Actually, I was here when I was three. King Timahoe bit me.”
Adam halted mid-sit. “King Timahoe? I assume we responded with cruise missiles?”
She laughed. “He got a scolding. King Timahoe was the Nixons’ Irish Setter.”
As you can guess, the book is set in the White House, and Adam is the president. Ellie is the new head of his daughter’s secret service detail. That’s all I know.
I’m supposed to tag seven other people. I can’t really think of seven people who haven’t already done this before. But if you’d like to play, please do! I’d love to see your work in progress.
Sara Thorn
June 15, 2014 at 3:55 pm (11 years ago)Funny! 🙂
Regina Kammer
June 15, 2014 at 10:21 pm (11 years ago)Ooh! I love this!