I’ve got the January blahs. It’s never a good month, is it? The holidays are over, company has gone home, and winter finally gets serious. Around here, we’ve had a mild winter, but one that’s included lots of rain, wind, and mud. I blame the mud for my blahs. Walking is a major part of my daily life, and walking along footpaths thick with black muck just makes my walk a drudge rather than a delight.
But, I must admit, January is a great time for writing. None of those springtime distractions (see above), no holidays to prepare for, no desire to go into London for a play even—I could easily hibernate the whole month long, just me and my computer, a research book open and Twitter—well, so much for distractions!
If, like me, you’ve got the January blahs, try heading over to the Critiki Lounge, where I’ll be critiquing in February. Here’s the scoop, and here’s the list of those of us “Lounge Lizards” who’ll be critiquing some lucky participants’ manuscripts. We all did fun Q&A interviews to get us in the mood for a tropical vacation a query + 250 words critique.
A tropical vacation and a mai tai does sound lovely right about now, but I’ll stick with my manuscript, some hot cocoa, and a muddy footpath, where if I look carefully, I might find the green shoots from a daffodil poking up through the muck.
I’ll take it.
January 22, 2014 at 4:07 pm (11 years ago)See, August has always been my month of blahs. August weather is my least favorite of all weather: unbearably hot and so humid that breathing the air is like eating soup (and August is the least appropriate month for consuming soup, unless it is a freezing cold gazpacho). Then there is the ending of summer and return to school. Now that I am a graduate student, returning to school is less agonizing, but the ending of summer break still introduces a bit of depression.
I’ll take January and its tulips over August any day!
Kathryn Barrett
January 22, 2014 at 4:58 pm (11 years ago)Hey, I’ll trade January for August! Except…not HOT August. I like my Augusts here, where we can eat outside on the patio every night, as long as we have a cardigan and some wood for the chiminea…as a matter of fact, our August is probably like your January, so I guess we’ve already traded. Or something.
January 23, 2014 at 6:08 pm (11 years ago)Well, now you are just rubbing it in! You don’t eat on a patio in Oklahoma in August unless you want to die of heat stroke. (But, having lived in Louisiana, I’m sure you knew that already!)