Kathryn Barrett

More good news!

Thursday night as I was about to go to sleep I decided to check my email one last time. I’m glad I did, because there was an email informing me I’d been named a finalist in the WisRWA Write Touch contest, in the Single Title Contemporary category! How thrilling! Of course I couldn’t go to […] Read more…

Temptation won the Golden Quill Best First Book contest (with a little help from my editors)

I’m thrilled to announce that Temptation has been chosen as the Golden Quill Best First Book! Yesterday I was tearing my hair out over revisions for my next book. I block out the internet while I work, so when I logged on, I had a few emails waiting. One was the announcement that my debut […] Read more…

Digging a hole, climbing in

I’ve spent most of today dealing with repairmen, after a months-long odyssey of broken toilets, showers, water softeners, and blown down fences. This house is getting old, I guess, because it feels like everything is breaking at once. I’m feeling old, too, and worn out, just from talking to people, perfectly nice people, but still… […] Read more…

This news made my day!

Late last night I was reading a research book I’d just discovered and downloaded, yawning, yet engrossed in the gripping true story. Finally I decided to put the iPad away and go to sleep, but first, I absently clicked on my email, and noticed a new one from the coordinator of the Golden Quill contest, which […] Read more…

Do writers need a website?

It feels a bit heretical to be writing that headline, here on my, uh, website. But I just read this article by David Wogahn that answers that question with “Maybe, maybe not.” My answer is, why not? It’s very easy for even someone with limited technological skills to have a website. And by “technological skills” I […] Read more…


One year ago today my debut novel Temptation was released by Entangled Publishing. I remember going for a walk that day, a long walk at Burnham Beeches in the freezing cold. I was a mess. For some reason, having a book “out there” in the wide world of Amazon and Nook and all the other […] Read more…

Catching up

I’ve got the January blahs. It’s never a good month, is it? The holidays are over, company has gone home, and winter finally gets serious. Around here, we’ve had a mild winter, but one that’s included lots of rain, wind, and mud. I blame the mud for my blahs. Walking is a major part of […] Read more…

Happy Boxing Day!

After telling everyone how much I love Boxing Day, it would be a shame if I don’t post photos of our annual Boxing Day walk. We decided to walk around Denham, along the Grand Union Canal, and then through the footpaths in the woods until we reached the picturesque village, where we could stop at […] Read more…

Mince tarts

When I moved to England I found there were very different Christmas customs. I’ve already written about my new favorite holiday, Boxing Day, but I wanted to share some of my new-found favorite foods. Mince tarts are made with mincemeat, which sounds gross, especially if you don’t eat meat. Why would anyone want to make […] Read more…

The poor man’s Scrivener, or, how I learned to organize my writing files

I’ve heard a lot of good things about Scrivener, the writing software from Literature and Latte. I downloaded a trial version while I was doing NaNoWriMo, but I didn’t want to get into nuts and bolts of it while I was trying to concentrate on writing, so I let it expire. What I did manage […] Read more…

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