It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But I finally have a new book ready to come into the world! I’ve worked on it a long time, in fits and starts (mostly fits, if you want to know the truth).
It’s set in Washington, D.C., in the White House, where single-father Adam Dybik is coming to grips with being the most powerful man in the world.
I’d always wanted to write about the president of the United States (POTUS for short) but the mechanics of it turned out to be pretty complicated. Presidents can’t do a lot. I mean, they’re trapped in the White House. Moving them around means a 40-car motorcade, complete with Counter Assault Team and fully equipped ambulance. So, much of the action takes place in the historical mansion that has been home to our presidents since 1800.
Fortunately, there are lots of resources, both online and printed. (If the FBI ever shows up at my door, wanting to know why I keep searching for “White House floor plans”, well, now I have a book to show that all that Googling was for research!)
True Courage isn’t exactly part of a series, but you will see familiar names: Connor Forrest (from True Gold) is now a member of the Cabinet of President Adam Dybik. (You can probably guess which cabinet secretary he is!) And there are references to Redemption‘s Matt Grayson, who, umm, Secret Service agent Ellie Brody may have had a tiny crush on!
Here’s the back cover blurb:
The Washington press calls him the “accidental president.” As a Medal of Honor recipient and national hero, Adam Dybik agreed to run for president during the country’s deepest crisis.
Now that things have stabilized, he’s got problems at home: his 14-year-old daughter Katie keeps ditching her Secret Service protection and reminding him he’s the world’s worst father. And on top of that, he’s begun hearing the voices of dead presidents. Either he’s going mad, or the White House is haunted.
As the new head of Katie’s Secret Service detail, Ellie Brody is trying to live up to the high expectations of her father, former agent Frank Brody. But her new job puts her in direct danger of succumbing to the president’s charm.
Can these two find love in the White House, under the most intense media scrutiny—and the watchful eye of Lyndon Johnson?
You can read chapter one here.
Here’s a buy link that should work for your country, where you can pre-order True Courage. It will release on the 18th of October and be available wherever books are sold, both in ebook and paperback.