Boxing Day walk along the canal near Denham
Boxing Day walk along the canal near Denham

After telling everyone how much I love Boxing Day, it would be a shame if I don’t post photos of our annual Boxing Day walk. We decided to walk around Denham, along the Grand Union Canal, and then through the footpaths in the woods until we reached the picturesque village, where we could stop at a pub and have a pint.

Except that when we came to the place where we leave the canal footpath and go down into the woods, we were met by flooded footpaths.

It wasn’t really a surprise, with all the rain we’ve been having, but we weren’t prepared with wellies, so we headed back to the canal footpath and stuck to high ground. Not as exciting as walking through the woods, crossing the two rivers that meander around the countryside near Denham, but still a nice day out.

The dog didn’t stick to the high ground, and kept looking back at us to see why we weren’t following him through knee-deep (for him) water. He did tree a couple of squirrels, which totally made the walk a success for him.

Next time we’ll try to be more prepared, but for a lazy day-after-Christmas walk, it wasn’t bad.

Canal boats along moored along the canal.
Canal boats along moored along the canal.
The rushing River Colne
The rushing River Colne
Along the Grand Union Canal
Along the Grand Union Canal
Just before the bridge, we normally turn into the woods, but the footpaths were flooded.
Just before the bridge, we normally turn into the woods, but the footpaths were flooded.
This is what the footpath looked like...the water was over the tops of our hiking boots, even in the grass around the edge.
This is what the footpath looked like…the water was over the tops of our hiking boots, even in the grass around the edge.
But it didn't deter the dog, who leaped over the water after checking the trees for squirrel activity.
But it didn’t deter the dog, who leaped over the water after checking the trees for squirrel activity.

2 Comments on Happy Boxing Day!

  1. Sondra Schlotterback
    December 27, 2013 at 12:39 am (11 years ago)

    Hi Kathy,
    Enjoying the pics of your watery wanderings on Boxing Day. And your words.


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