To celebrate, here’s an excerpt of True Courage that takes place during a Halloween party on the South Lawn of the White House. I think it’s self-explanatory, with no spoilers. Katie stood next to Mrs. Mason and pretended to be excited about handing out cookies shaped like black and white cats. Mrs. Mason hadn’t asked […] Read more…
True Courage trivia!
I thought I would share some trivia about True Courage. The name of the “bad guy”, Senator J.P. Landry, came from a friend of mine, who I used to write with when I lived in Virginia. Jamie Farrell, who also writes as Pippa Grant, was complaining about her landlord, and I told her I’d name […] Read more…
True Courage will be released on 18 October!
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But I finally have a new book ready to come into the world! I’ve worked on it a long time, in fits and starts (mostly fits, if you want to know the truth). It’s set in Washington, D.C., in the White House, where single-father Adam Dybik is coming to […] Read more…
True Gold giveaway on Goodreads!
Goodreads Book Giveaway True Gold by Kathryn Barrett Giveaway ends November 18, 2015. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter Giveaway That’s right, you can win one of two signed paperback copies of True Gold being given away on Goodreads! Go to the link above or click here to enter. (And if you don’t want to […] Read more…
Coming up in November!

Saved from the cutting room floor: Deleted scene
A lot of my friends are having birthday parties for their children these days—there must have been a lot of fall births several years ago! One of my favorite scenes from True Gold is the birthday party scene, when twins Alex and Aubry turn five, and Rebecca, like most new moms, has—err, overly optimistic expectations […] Read more…

True Gold, coming September 1!
More details coming soon! Read more…

Temptation, now for the great price of 99¢!
My publisher decided to push Temptation in a promotion blitz. They knocked the price down to $.99 and had it accepted at BookBub, “a free daily email that notifies you about deep discounts on acclaimed ebooks.” They only accept about 20 percent of the books that are submitted to them, so that in itself is […] Read more…
Alternative titles for Redemption
I got tagged on Facebook by Rumer Haven in a writing game called Eight Terrible Titles. The idea is to randomly let your cursor fall onto a spot within your manuscript eight times, and voila! Eight truly terrible title ideas. So of course I decided to change the rules a bit and use my recently released […] Read more…
Bitty booklets have arrived!
Look what came in the mail! I ordered these Bitty Booklets from Laron at Ninth Moon designs a couple of weeks ago. I decided I wanted something to show off the new cover of Temptation as well as promote Redemption, and these Bitty Booklets were perfect. Laron came up with the design, using a background […] Read more…